
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

TheNextWeb - Amsterdam, June 1, 2007 - Amsterdam, June 1, 2007 » Home: "The Next Web Conference June 1, Tuschinski Theatre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Don’t miss out on what’s going to change on the web the upcoming years and how it will affect the way you work and do business.

Inspired NetworkBusiness

Want a preview? Watch the iChat Video interview with 5 Internet Influentials who answer 5 basic questions in almost 20 minutes.

  1. Tim O’Reilly from O’Reilly Media,
  2. Steve Rubel from Edelman and,
  3. Matt Mullenweg the founder of WordPress,
  4. Marten Mickos the CEO of MySQL and
  5. Jay Adelson, CEO and co-founder of
They all give their opinion and share their insights on what the Next Web will look like:

And don’t forget to buy your ticket!

The Conference for web industry thought leaders, leading companies, innovative Startups, visionaries, seed funders and real Web savvies. Don’t miss out on what is going to change on the web the upcoming years.

Go to The Next Web conference and get to know all about the near future of the web. How new technology, business models, innovation and culture-changes affect the direction of the web. And how it changes the way we do business, even more."

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