
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » EU report: “Blogging is also seen as an anti-establishment activity”

Is that so? Are bloggers anti-establishment? Does grassroots make an impact against the Top-Down and centralist EU?

Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » EU report: “Blogging is also seen as an anti-establishment activity”: "EU report: “Blogging is also seen as an anti-establishment activity”

At Eurosoc: The EU Blog Wars Have Begun

A recent European Commission report leaked earlier this month said that the EU was “losing the battle for hearts and minds” partly because of the activities of anti-EU bloggers. The recent defeat of the Lisbon Treaty in the Irish referendum led Eurocrats to study blog activity in the Republic; they concluded that Eurosceptic blogs, some by anonymous sources, outnumbered pro-treaty blogs. Of course the fact that the main Irish newspapers were overwhelmingly pro-Lisbon didn’t seem to worry them unduly.

- Eurosceptic blogs
- Anti-EU bloggers
- Newspapers role

“Blogging is also seen as an anti-establishment activity,” the report concluded, complaining that “the quality of debate has suffered” as a result of blog dissent attracting the attention of readers from TV and radio.

- The quality of debate has suffered!

Bloggers anonymous and otherwise have good reason to be delighted to have proved a thorn in the EU’s side on this and other issues. The mainstream media on continental Europe is increasingly docile: Blogs offer the only real dissent in some countries. Even in Britain, where Eurosceptic newspapers enjoy a large market share, the reporting of EU issues is feeble: Dedicated Eurosceptic bloggers like Richard North spend almost as much effort correcting false Eurosceptic reporting as they do criticising the EU itself."

- The bloggers have another point of view
- There isn't a single truth


Anonymous said...

Blogger or not. Everyone can vote online about the future of the EU.

Vote YES or NO to Free Europe Constitution at !

Helge Keitel said...

Thanks for your comment. I'll take a look at the URL you provided.