
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Twitter Search Advertising! at Twitter As A Business Tool - Building Your Business 140 Characters At A Time

Scobleizer wrote about it on Twitter a few minutes ago. Take a look at the Twitter Search Advertising on the Twitter Business book blog written by Rumford. I've to think about the advantages of this move.

» Twitter Search Advertising! at Twitter As A Business Tool - Building Your Business 140 Characters At A Time: "Twitter search is coming in 10 days. It would appear that Twitter will start rolling out search as an integrated feature into the homepage of Twitter for about 1% of their users. Twitter is smart to do this as it give them a relevant path to monetization and a way to enhance the service and make it easier for users to find the content (conversations, products, services, brands, topics) that they want to find.

The reason this is important is because Twitter has said that they would use search to introduce businesses to people. This is exactly what I wrote a week ago and mocked up a few different versions of what it might look like here.

Biz Stone, one of Twitter’s co-founders, told The Times: “Search integration is a way of introducing relevancy to people. This is not just about ‘What are you doing?’ but about what everyone else is doing. Twitter is about finding out what is going on out there right now in real time. This is a powerful new way of repositioning the product.”

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