
Monday, January 25, 2010

Centralized Control of Social vs. Spreading Social Throughout the Organization - Digital Influence Mapping Project

Centralized Control of Social vs. Spreading Social Throughout the Organization - Digital Influence Mapping Project: "Centralized Control of Social vs. Spreading Social Throughout the Organization

Should there be social media marketing and communication experts within your enterprise or should 'social' be spread out across the business within existing job functions? This is a false question. Or at the least it is a question whose answer will predictably change over time.

Ultimately, business will identify and adopt best practices in the disciplines of social media and embed those in pre-existing job functions. 'Social' will be a way of doing things and found everywhere across the business.

Media relations professionals have already largely made blogger outreach a part of their job. For all the criticism of the public relations discipline, their early involvement in social media has led to this integration. Customer care professionals are adopting 'social customer care' most obvious in the use of Twitter handles as an initial outreach and triage platform."

More about this in John Bell's blog.

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