
Monday, November 13, 2006

Web 2.0 early death?

There has been a web 2.0 summit in USA. According to reports from the event, people identified a lack of big innovations. Web 2.0 has become a playground for grass-roots and little companies with features but not products. They think that there is too many products crowding the same space, too many start-ups trying to open a space in MySpace.

On the other hand, there's a lot of energy and creativity is at work, even if most of it won't make the cut. Podcasters, webcaster, vloggers, bloggers, narrowcasters, youtubers, flickr photographers and open source enthusiast have been able to start a new movement that is receiving a lot of attention. Big companies like IBM is trying to catch up. I think some of the fresh start-ups from the 70's and 80's have been a little worried about the next big thing. Google made it big in ten years. But what if more of those tiny little grass-roots are going to survive and become winners?

The alternative is to go back to the dark ages or the nuclear winter after the dot com boom. What would life be without enthusiasm or creative juices flowing? Plenty of room for innovation exists, but the power is concentrating in a few fantastic achievers dominating the landscape, which gradually tend to stifle innovation, slowing it down to the pace of slow motion and slumbering, and fewer choices.

The declaration of Web 2.0 death is perhaps too early. Things have just started to move and I suppose there are still new kids on the block.

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