
Monday, January 29, 2007

Getting started with Apple

Blogging about Apple is fun. I've known the company from its start and a part of the blogging might be the interest to move over from PC's to Mac's again.

Dear Helge V. Keitel:

Thank you very much for joining Apple Computer Bloggers. Your blog will be added to the blogroll shortly, and your articles will be found on the main site and on several secondary sites. You will find your information below; please check for accuracy and contact us if you see any problems.

Please do not forget to place one of our mini-buttons on your blog site. If you need some help, please try the following snippet of code: [That code didn't work. I've to check it out.]

If you have a banner ad that you would like to see on our site, please feel free to send it to us. It should be 468x60 in size.

Thanks again for joining!


Craig Cantin
Apple Computer Bloggers

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