
Monday, September 08, 2008

If you don’t “get” Facebook and Twitter, read this NY Times article « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog

If you don’t “get” Facebook and Twitter, read this NY Times article « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog: "In essence, Facebook users didn’t think they wanted constant, up-to-the-minute updates on what other people are doing. Yet when they experienced this sort of omnipresent knowledge, they found it intriguing and addictive. Why?

Social scientists have a name for this sort of incessant online contact. They call it “ambient awareness.” It is, they say, very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his mood through the little things he does — body language, sighs, stray comments — out of the corner of your eye."

Helge: I agree about the "ambient awareness". People I follow on Jaiku, Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, and Pownce are somewhat closer than those who write long and informative stories and posts on their blogs. I got the link to this story from Robert Scobleizer over Twitter. We're not real world friends but I follow what he does and writes, look at his videos and webcasts.

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