
Friday, October 02, 2009

Apple Tablet May Have Two-Handed Multitouch Input - Apple touch keyboard patent - Gizmodo

More news about Apple innovations. They are moving ahead with new inventions for touch-screens. I start thinking about the talking walls and the possibilities of touching virtual realities in a store.

Apple Tablet May Have Two-Handed Multitouch Input - Apple touch keyboard patent - Gizmodo: "Apple's latest patent filing revolves around dual-handed touchscreen detection for typing, gesturing, controlling a 3D interface and handwriting. But it this intended for the fabled Apple Tablet, or something entirely different?

Apple Insider says this multitouch interface is designed to recognize specific user hands touching the device (personalized profiles!), and could differentiate between actions such as typing, or hands just resting on the surface. There's also talk of scrollwheel elements for basic OS X control and tactile feedback that wouldn't disrupt movement across the device surface."

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