Sawn Softwood
The recovery of sawn softwood production that started in 2013 continued at a lively pace during 2016. In the EOS member countries, total production of sawn softwood increased by 2.3% reaching a volume of 82.3 million m³ in 2016.
The recovery seems to continue this year at a similar pace, as sawn softwood production is projected to reach 84.4 million m³ in 2017 (+2.6%), still far from the production peak of 89.5 million m³ which was observed in 2007.
Developments in 2016 were not equal among the EOS member countries. While in most countries production grew (particularly in Finland and in Austria), a decline was observed in Romania and Belgium, and a slight drop also in Sweden and Switzerland.
With a production of 21.1 million m³ and a share of 25.6% (25.4% in 2015), Germany remained in 2016 the largest sawn softwood producer within the EOS community.
Sweden ranks second with 17.9 million m³ (21.7% vs 22.5% in 2015). Finland remains the third largest producer with 11.4 million m³ (13.9% vs 13.0% in 2015) ahead of Austria with 9.1 million m³ (11.0% vs 10.7% in 2015).
France remains the fifth largest producer within EOS with a share of 7.8%.
EOS - European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry | Press - Press Releases - International Softwood Conference: Riga 2018
France remains the fifth largest producer within EOS with a share of 7.8%.
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