
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

All Things Go Digital Soon

The Digital Future offers great potential, but needs the right approach so that all will benefit. The next big things don’t just appear from nowhere. We need to be prepared; do the home-work and find the right people, money and the resources needed to get things done.

We have had industrial revolutions before and we were pretty good in dealing with them. What’s new is the enormous speed of the current revolution, which is being fueled by digitization.

We can not change the speed of technological change - so we need to adapt to it. We must be agile, self-organized and flexible. Organisations need to give people more ownership and responsibility for what they are doing.

Traditional hierarchies are smashed and digital nomads are given the ability to self-organize their productive contributions.

The leaders assume the role of coaches, trusting their teams to make the right decisions. Another key for success is diversity. 

We need to enhance the innovative strength and unleash the potential of our participants.

Diverse teams prove highly capable in adapting to to a  changing environment., and thus contributing to the success of smart villages.

We need to do the most of our participants diversity with regard to everything from cultural background , ethnicity and geographical location.

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